Friday, May 25, 2012

Spring Final 2012

My art piece was made using artist board and colored pencils. I took one of my favorite pictures from Prom this year and set out to make a memory. I wanted to allow my viewers to see that my boyfriend Alex is truly my best friend and I'm completely twitterpated. In order to make my piece, I used the gridding method. I used shading and blending in order to create depth in the piece. My successes were with the latice on the gazebo and my frustrations were with skin tone. I couldn't get the colors to blend right and my people came out cartoon looking. But then again, cartooning is one of my strong points.  

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Artists that Influence Me

Wassily Kandinsky

I've always loved his great use of color and the abstractness of some of his art pieces.

Paul Klee

I like how his pieces are simple yet they still stand out and make a statement.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Final Project 2011

My final project is based on the fact that one of the main purposes in life is to fall in love. My piece is very ironic because I personally do not believe in love. I titled it "You Saved Me" and did a Romeo and Juliet typed theme because that's one of the major love stories in the world today. I used the contrast of black and white in order to make my focal points stand out. I used shading to create depth, and left my trademark, of always keeping things simple and somewhat cartoonish.